Wednesday, February 11, 2004

The Church’s Queens, of England’s, Orient

The Church of England thinks the three Magi to not be men. Nor are these Magi thought by the Church to necessarily be wise. Wisdom is not synonymous with intelligence, as the Church of England has thus demonstrated. So on then to sexuality. Quite right, you know, it is possible one of these Magi was a woman.

Also, it is possible that the entire sexual evolutionary canon is amiss – that is, that males have been masquerading as females for ages. Also, it is possible that females have been masquerading as males for some period of time. It is possible that, in the past, somewhere, perhaps eons ago, that someone was both male and female but chose not to reveal it. A fiction supportive of male and female was compensatory. It is possible. It cannot be ruled out.

Give me enough time and I’ll alter the sex of every man, woman and child. I could do it in a confused manner for ages upon ages. Therein would be the equivalence of time and possibility though usually the possibly temporal is of the future.

Though certainly the Church of England has hit upon an intelligent tack by giving us a female Magus, the wisdom of what this tack secures is a decidedly spineless jello. Any Church reasoning that quavers and quivers in thrilling thrall of the fast fall of Man has lit a fuse under its pews.

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