Sunday, February 22, 2004

The Apes of Marbella

They, about sixty apes, are to be given pensions. That is, they are to be accorded luxury apartments in the Spanish resort of Marbella. These accommodations are in monetary terms three times what people receive for welfare payments in the region.

They, about thirteen animals, have died at the Sao Paulo Zoo. They were residents of the Zoo. An orangutan, a bison, and a camel have been more recently murdered. Among the dead are three apes. Sodium fluoroacetate, in other words, rat poison, was used. This rat poison is banned in Brazil.

Spanish villas can accommodate apes who have been needled for many years in order to investigate how the flu progresses. They were repeatedly made ill because, as all evolutionists know, apes are like human beings. No human beings, of late, have been so treated. Having been repeatedly transformed from the assaults by needle, the surviving apes deserve better than death or better than being put into the confines of zoos.

But south of the equator, zoos can be death traps for the incarcerated. Those poor zoo animals died on the job, so to speak, and are thereby denied retirement. It is rare to find human beings confined to overt zoos. For the most part, it is thought that those with rational souls should not be so housed.

Animals have been typified as having irrational souls and so apparent human beings have been confined in zoo-like quarters called prisons for a good many years. That is, some of the imprisoned have been called animals. Then, having an irrational soul, leads one to suspect that the zoo-like status is deserved.

If you are an ape, you could be in a research lab, a zoo, a villa, or elsewhere. As a criminal and no animals are criminal, you could be in a lab, a prison, a villa, or elsewhere. The only distinction is found in zoo occupancy. If you are in a zoo, you are an ape.

A serial killer loose in a prison besetting animals (should they truly have such a status) and human beings is doubly reprehensible in murderous factors. Repeated killing of zoo animals is not going to bring forth the same degree of forensic skill applied to solving the mystery.

If the animals were rare, endangered, national symbols, or otherwise distinguished, then more diagnostic skill could be expected for delving into motives. Should the apes in the villas become subject to rat poison, could one assume the cream of the police crème would be on the scene? Villa apes would be in outward appearance almost synonymous with retired or imprisoned human beings. As much police procedure would have to be expended upon crimes perpetuated against villa apes as would be performed for crimes against criminals.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

The Church’s Queens, of England’s, Orient

The Church of England thinks the three Magi to not be men. Nor are these Magi thought by the Church to necessarily be wise. Wisdom is not synonymous with intelligence, as the Church of England has thus demonstrated. So on then to sexuality. Quite right, you know, it is possible one of these Magi was a woman.

Also, it is possible that the entire sexual evolutionary canon is amiss – that is, that males have been masquerading as females for ages. Also, it is possible that females have been masquerading as males for some period of time. It is possible that, in the past, somewhere, perhaps eons ago, that someone was both male and female but chose not to reveal it. A fiction supportive of male and female was compensatory. It is possible. It cannot be ruled out.

Give me enough time and I’ll alter the sex of every man, woman and child. I could do it in a confused manner for ages upon ages. Therein would be the equivalence of time and possibility though usually the possibly temporal is of the future.

Though certainly the Church of England has hit upon an intelligent tack by giving us a female Magus, the wisdom of what this tack secures is a decidedly spineless jello. Any Church reasoning that quavers and quivers in thrilling thrall of the fast fall of Man has lit a fuse under its pews.

Saturday, February 07, 2004

The Mammary Gland Bowl

We don’t need to exchange coded messages to understand how a transformation has now been placed in professional football. The present transformation is one in a long sequence dating back to the 60’s. Had whatshername done it, the exposing of a solar shield on a 40 year old mammary gland by means of a ripped garment, back in the 60’s, then the act could have protection from unappreciative comments by means of appeals to free speech or other political baggage. No one says that now. Back then we had censorship. Now they are to have instances of tape delay. Most say, so what? We see such a kind of exposure as exemplified by one portion of the recent halftime show on television in other venues such as advertising.

Television advertising, in order to sell, strives to be entertaining and all regular programming subscribes to an attempt to be entertaining so as to sell. Self-advertisement is the way of all flesh these days. Most would like to be free to enter into self-promotion as needed, when needed, and not to be subjected to it according to someone else’s schedule. Their schedule can intersect with you without warning.

Apparently some have thought that there was a measure of protection from the excesses of fame and money in the name of entertainment. This protection encircles one’s family and friends and neighborhood in an implied contract, the terms of which do not permit a shielded mammary gland being shown as the result of brutal intent. They, quite simply, don’t want to see it. They did. Now what?

The FCC wants action taken against those who beamed the images into homes across America. The FCC once had a hand in declaring that television programming was a vast wasteland. There was once an actual concern for programming content. In the 20’s some debated if ads should be shown. Nowadays you can’t pick the ads you see or the channel you have subscribed. We all pay for TV now. A Californian invention allows for no-ad seeing but you can’t cut out a channel in your TV package. They are bundled. So don’t watch that channel. And don’t open your spam mail. That channel and spam are there. You may not want them there but so what?

So go with the flow. Television is the ever present entertainment medium. The medium is not the message now. More entertainment is the message. Television chants the more entertainment mantra. Whatever television touches is transformed into more entertainment. Professional football is now catchball, it is more entertaining that way. Staged, fake brutality is more entertaining. Censorship lessens more entertainment. As entertainment is advertising and vice versa, then more advertisement, be it of oneself or otherwise, is to be done. Or one can say more entertainment needs doing. Same difference. Excesses are certainly relative to whatever once was, but now there is no measure of more entertainment.