Friday, November 22, 2013

DeGroot, the Telegraph, and the death of JFK


Gerard DeGroot, in the Telegraph, comments on a group of books about the assassination of JFK.

DeGroot, given free rein, writes of Jim Garrison that he was "a paranoid fantasist, a publicity hound, and a crooked DA". Of course, not all sources, some reputable, agree with this attack. Though I would think "publicity hound" might have some credence.

If Garrison comes off badly as far as DeGroot is concerned, then Oswald fares perhaps worse, as he is characterized as being "a pathetic loser". But at least he was trying to get at the truth during his less than friendly association with the Dallas Police Department. His remarks and requests made while he was confined by the Dallas Police demonstrate that he thought he had a chance. But then he had no chance against Ruby. He also had no chance with the Warren Commission's portrayal of him.

The Warren Commission need not be considered to be a cover-up. Most, even those friendly to the Oswald-as-assassin notion, think the Commission was incompetent. In a light-year jump, DeGroot gives the assassination over to aliens. Any port in ignorance serves as well when it comes to assassination theory of any stripe. The latest on the Commission, taken to be a serious work, is "A Cruel and Shocking Act", and I am told it, makes much of Oswald's presumed trip to Mexico City. DeGroot dismisses the book because it maintains, according to DeGroot, that the CIA wasn't entirely truthful about what its agents knew of the assassination. So it is "Ho-hum". So I would say it is "everyone knows" the CIA agents are liars.

Wait, there's more, the movie, "JFK" by Oliver Stone, is termed "preposterous". If so, how or why is it preposterous? The death of JFK is accounted for in the movie. No mention is made in the film of JFK's letters and Oval Office recordings. The end of JFK isn't equated with an age of innocence. JFK, per DeGroot ,was cynical and boasted of sexual conquests. DeGroot indirectly asserts he was packaged and sold as a mythical deal worth millions despite his shortcomings. The corrosion of the American spirit cannot be the resultant of truth and lies as DeGroot wants it. It is either truth or lie and has been so for many years. When these become ancient times, JFK will still be known.

DeGroot is quite right about the ready market for JFK assassination books. So long as it may last, the mystery propels along the improbable, the impudent, the wildly improbable, and insults to one's intelligence. But then the lack of acceptance of the obvious record of the assassination - that one being the Zapruder film and the other films or photos of those seconds in Dallas- show multiple shooters were at work. Especially relevant is digital processing of the Zapruder emulsion in order to reveal the tracks of the bullets in the film.

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