Thursday, October 07, 2004

Cubs 2004

Cubs 2004

Not many remember April to June, when they were doing OK. Then they were 5 games back after the All-Star break and lost 5 more. That took care of the Division. The wild card actually evaporated when Cincy took 3 of 4 close to the end.

Fans of the Cubs were amazed at the ending(s). I am not a Cub fan, rather I follow the Cubs – and sometimes at a safe distance. I disown them periodically within the season if they stink. I refuse to see or hear a game or two until I relent and see what Chip, Steve, Pat, and Ron are saying and seeing.

No doubt about it, great expectations put the Cubs into a lull and they could not hit out of it. Add to it that they never had a cohesive unit as main men continued to become injured. Meanwhile Dusty says it’s not my fault. Steve Stone thought otherwise in some instances. So do I. As for others than Dusty :

Wood, Zambrano, and one catcher need to get into anger management courses big time. I’ve been there. They will learn that you have no excuses, period.

Steve Stone should quit if they won’t let him do the games as he has, though being less acerbic at times would make me think he isn’t kin to Pete Rose.

Lee needs more time off during a season.

Clement should see a shrink. Third base needs to avoid a fat head. Center field needs winter ball or someone holding the bat as he swings, to demo. And center field needs some bright tape on a wire frame outlining the strike zone, for practice.

Alou, bye-bye, unless you want to give up some cash – put it into a trust fund and if no playoffs in 05 then they distribute it to charity.

Nomar, bye-bye, unless you want to be a Cub.

Sosa, drop the limo life and stay home with the kids. Explain to them how you say you stayed until the 7th inning of the final game while cameras have you exiting much earlier. You also need to put some of your remaining fat salary in trust until the end of 05.

In general,
1. You all perfected one swing and you all are now excluded from the postseason. Choke up on the bat (last guy I saw do that was Larry Bowa, he got a hit) or shorten the stroke. Level the swing. Put it into play. You guys got home runs, long outs, or you woke up the Wrigley gophers.
2. Watch where you step in the off-season. Enough already with not being in shape or forgetting baseball starting in October and then injuries, injuries, injuries. Or get new trainers.
3. You may not get to the playoffs in 2005.
4. Three million at the gate. Not all were real fans (or even followers) as the boos and the attendance at the last game did show.
5. If a guy goes to the minors to retool, he stays there until he shows he deserves to come back. Prior threw home runs at Iowa. Sammy went to AA in Tennessee, of all places, and showed he didn’t have it.

Lastly, to be so often injured, to lie, to be afraid of the truth in criticism, to succumb to temper tantrums, to hear the boos, to accept an obscene amount of cash to play ball but then not play ball, to continue to do what didn’t work, and to fail to accept responsibility - all these are actions of stupid people. More than anything for next year, Cubs, get wise.

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